Why You MUST Roadtrip Through Costa Rica

Key Ingredient for a Roadtrip:  The Vehicle If there's one recommendation I can make for your travels to Costa Rica, it is this:  Rent a Vehicle.  Ideally an SUV or something capable of handling bumpy, curvy, and sometimes slick roads.  It very well may be the most costly part of your entire stay in this [...]

Inland Costa Rica ~ Arenal & La Fortuna

Many people head to Costa Rica for the black sand beaches of the Pacific coast, or the tropical beachy Caribbean side.  Both of these are fantastic vacation options, but inland Costa Rica also has a lot to offer!  We left the west coast (read more about that experience here) in search of a volcano, and [...]

My Travels ~ Ocotal, Coco & the Costa Rica Copo

On the far north-west tip of Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, you'll find a small fishing town called Coco, and it's two black-sand beaches - Playas del Coco and Playa Ocotal.  Coco is one of the oldest beach communities in the Guanacaste Province, and is a popular tourist destination for both local Ticos and foreigners. To [...]

New Year, New Goals, New You

Twenty Sixteen.  Another New Year.  Another chance to press the 'reset' button, and to refocus ourselves on who we want to be, what we want to accomplish, and where we can improve. New Year Resolutions I'm not one for setting hard and fast resolutions.  I know many people can do this, and can succeed, but [...]

Sun Destination Matchmaker

So, you're ready to escape the relentless cold and snow.  You want to defrost on a toasty beach and float mindlessly in warm azure waters.  You are ready to fall in love with paradise.  It must be time to book a sunny getaway.  Now you just need to choose that perfect spot to warm you, [...]

My Travels: Dominican – Making the Most of it…

So, we've been home from the Dominican for a couple of weeks now, and I've gone back and forth in my mind on how I want to tell the story.  There was a lot of negativity.  Initially, I swore I'd get home and set in on a rant, ripping apart the resort and the package [...]

My Travels: Bangkok Sukhumvit District

After two days in the semi-suburban outskirts of the city, we are thrown into the midst of an ever-busy, ever-bustling, ever-beautiful metropolis like I've never seen before. Bangkok streets are madness on wheels, with three-lane highways carrying four lanes of traffic, and scooters weaving in and out of larger vehicles as they please. It's loud [...]

Is it Ever Safe to Drink the Water??

One of the first things we hear about when discussing international travel plans with friends or family is the reminder that it's not safe to drink the water.  So, how true is this?  To which locations does this apply?  Do the locals drink their own water?  What can you do to stay healthy?  Let's discuss..... [...]

Bangkok – Things To Do (Part I)

They say if you can't find it in Thailand, it doesn't exist.  This is even more true for it's capital city of Bangkok.  This place offers you whatever you can dream up, and is rarely costly or difficult to find.  Some of the great attractions I've enjoyed have centered around history, animals, and food; there [...]